Welcome To Ideal Fertility Indian fertility specialist doctor treats infertility among men women unable to conceive. Find top clinic for treatment of infertility by latest techniques for assisted conception and reproduction. Dr Banerji’s clinic specializes in test tube babies IVF ICSI treating ovulatory dysfunction and endometrioses. Find embryologist Mrs Rinku Banerji in the medical center in Jabalpur, MP, India Molecular microbiology is a DNA based study detection of disease caused by microorganisms- virus, bacteria, algae, fungi, and protozoan's. The medical clinic focuses on Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Human Papilloma virus in order tp prevent cervical cancer in females. Our lab is well equipped with thermal cycler and other equipments to do the DNA based study of CANCER CERVIX. We combine PAP smear test along w ith human papilloma virus identification in those females when previous PAP shows virus infection. For More Pls Click Here