
Showing posts from February, 2019

Live demo, Ovum Pickup, Egg retrieval in IVF with protocol we follow.- Ideal Fertility Clinic jabalpur

Image This live demo is for showing how a Ovarian stimulation is planned, ( it may change according to the situation and Egg reserve) and what we do in operation room and how the eggs are identified. For making more eggs for IVF, we give some injection to the female partner which may go for 9 to 10 days. Ovum or egg retrieval is done in short general anesthesia. It is mostly give by an injection though a vein and it takes 5 to 10 minutes. There is no pain during this procedure. We do it under IV Propofol. Eggs are retrieved under ultrasound guidance and aspirated by a suction pump, through vagina. ( transvaginal ovum pickup). We did an ultrasound guided transabdominal ovum pickup too in one patient. Follicular fluid aspirated, contains eggs. eggs are very small, and can only be seen under microscope. Eggs are then separated from the follicular fluid and fertilized later on. So IVF is an OPD procedure and does not req...

Reconstructive Surgery For Males

Clinic offers reconstructive surgery for vasectomy reversal and vaso-epididymal anastomosis in India. Find treatment for male reproductivy and infertility problems in the fertility clinc in India Reconstructive surgery is a wide sense term used in many disciplines of surgery in medical science all over the World. The microsurgical facility that the infertility clinic offers is for the vasectomy reversal and vaso-epididymal anatomizes in case obstructive azoospermia. Vasectomy reversal is to reconnect vas deferens so that sperm flow can take place again to the male reproductive organ. The epididymides is part of the male reproductive system and is a coiled tube that which connect efferent duct of the testicles to Vas deferens. Now a days as ICSI – IVF are available with good results we do less corrective surgery for males. FOR MORE PLS CLICK HERE

Fertility Specialist Doctor in India

Welcome TO Ideal Fertility Dr. D'Bananji  Fertility Specialist Doctor in India As the experts who manage fertility center "Ideal fertility: ICSI / IVF and Genetics Center" in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. Dr. D'Bananji MS (Obs & Gyn),  qualified as gynecologist works in infertility specialist.  It offers consultation, patient regulation for IVF / ICSI, ultrasound endoscopy (laparoscopy and hysterectomy), interventional ultrasonography, egg collectors and embryo transfer. Dr. Rinku Banerji, MD  (path) of a qualified pathologist works as an embryologist dedicated to his profession.  She is incharge of egg handling, in vitro fertilization and  ICSI process  in laboratories, sperm treatment, sperm and embryo freezing, karyotype, Molecular Pathology. In  Ideal Fertility: ICSI / FIV and Genetics Center  offers the full service of in vitro fertilization and ICSI cycles.  The clinic is a compound unit, which offers the digitiz...

Mitochondrial replacement therapy and Egg augmentation

Mitochondrial replacement therapy and Egg augmentation Mitochondria is a powerhouse in each living cell. In cell functioning and respiration mitochondria is used to generate energy, with that our body move, and we live our life. Mitochondria also has there own DNA( seperate from muclear or genetic DNA),any defect or mutation in MitDNA will affect the power generation and failure of power is destined to die. Present lecture is related to defect in functioning(mutation) carried from mother to child in every birth and its treatment as Mitochondrial replacement therapy. The other part is enhancing tbe power of aging egg...called egg aumentaion. Watch Live Demo Egg donation process is where fertile women donate their egg for process of assisted reproduction in the sterile females who stopped menstruating either naturally or prematurely. In such females the stock of eggs is exhausted. Egg donation comes into picture w...

Ivf Clinic in India

What is IVF Treatment? IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is a type of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology). IVF treatment involves surgical procedures and use of medicines to assist sperm to fertilize an egg as well as implanting that fertilized egg in the uterus. IVF Process Step By Step Certain steps to understand the IVF process explained below: §   Ovarian Stimulation:  The timing of egg release is monitored by the fertility specialist. This process is only for watching the hormonal level that the produced egg is appropriate or not and other conditions for IVF are normal or not. §   Egg Retrieval:  Under light sedation, the eggs are taken out from woman’s ovary. Before shifting to the incubator, eggs are placed in a dish of nutrient media. §   Fertilization:  In a special chamber, most active male sperm is mixed. The whole process is monitored so that the egg and sperm can develop a healthy embryo. §   Embryo Trans...

Semen Analysis Is Most Important Investigation For Fertility Treatment- Ideal Fertility

Semen Analysis Is Most Important Investigation For Fertility Treatment Semen analysis is one of the most important investigation for fertility treatment. We can not standardize semen analysis as it changes every day. But world helth organization has created a minimum standard above which we say the the semen is normal and person is fertile. In the era of micromanipulation, number of sperms does not matter. Even one or two sperm can make him a biological father. Even azoospermia person can become th biological father by TESA-ICSI Watch Here Demo Indian fertility specialist doctor treats infertility among men women unable to conceive. Find top clinic for treatment of infertility by latest techniques for assisted conception and reproduction. Dr Banerji’s clinic specializes in test tube babies IVF ICSI treating ovulatory dysfunction and endometrioses. Find embryologist Mrs Rinku Banerji in the medical center in Jabalpur, MP,...