Live demo, Ovum Pickup, Egg retrieval in IVF with protocol we follow.- Ideal Fertility Clinic jabalpur This live demo is for showing how a Ovarian stimulation is planned, ( it may change according to the situation and Egg reserve) and what we do in operation room and how the eggs are identified. For making more eggs for IVF, we give some injection to the female partner which may go for 9 to 10 days. Ovum or egg retrieval is done in short general anesthesia. It is mostly give by an injection though a vein and it takes 5 to 10 minutes. There is no pain during this procedure. We do it under IV Propofol. Eggs are retrieved under ultrasound guidance and aspirated by a suction pump, through vagina. ( transvaginal ovum pickup). We did an ultrasound guided transabdominal ovum pickup too in one patient. Follicular fluid aspirated, contains eggs. eggs are very small, and can only be seen under microscope. Eggs are then separated from the follicular fluid and fertilized later on. So IVF is an OPD procedure and does not req...